Our commitment to education and scholarship

There can be no progress without education.This is why Deka promotes scholarship focusing on economic interrelationships. We support the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, the University of Applied Sciences of the Savings Banks Finance Group and the Planspiel Börse. We also founded a research institute named IQAM Research.

Hochschule für Finanzwirtschaft und Management (University of Applied Sciences for Finance and Management)

The Hochschule für Finanzwirtschaft und Management is the central educational service provider of the Savings Banks Finance Group (Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe). High-ranking academics and practitioners train the next generation of managers in accordance with the standards and value system of the Savings Banks Finance Group. Many of the more than 3,000 graduates are now specialists or managers at the Savings Banks Finance Group - including DekaBank.

It is important to us to assist in the development of these young people: Every year, Deka invites the current students to Frankfurt. Since 2015, we have also awarded prizes to the top graduates. They then spend four weeks as interns in the Deka Group – in an area of their choosing. They gain practical experience, receive exclusive insights into the company and make valuable contacts.
© Hochschule für Finanzwirtschaft & Management

Graduates of the Hochschule für Finanzwirtschaft und Management

Endowed professorships at the Hochschule für Finanzwirtschaft und Management

Since January 2020, we have sponsored the endowed chair “Banking Regulation” at the Hochschule für Finanzwirtschaft und Management. The chair deals with issues concerning the implementation of banking regulation and develops new, optimised approaches to solutions in terms of size and business model. Dr. Anja Schulz has been appointed to the chair.

2021, it was decided to establish a further endowed professorship. The "Endowed Professorship for Asset Management with a Focus on Digitalization, Sustainability, and Demography" is intended to contribute to the further development of research-based asset management in the Savings Banks Finance Group in the future. The appointment process for this chair is currently underway.

The University stands out for its practical orientation and the focus of its research projects. It deals with innovative topics that are also relevant for DekaBank as a financial service provider. DekaBank's support allows it to position itself as a future employer.
© Natalya Khimicha

Research Prize 2020:
Natalya Khimicha of Drexel University, Philadelphia, received first place for her research with Ron Bekkerman and Eliezer M. Fich.

IQAM Research: Privates Institut für Quantitative Kapitalmarktforschung

The IQAM Research - Privates Institut für Quantitative Kapitalmarktforschung (Private Institute for Quantitative Capital Market Research), founded by Deka, aims to improve the exchange between practice and academic research. Here, academics and practitioners in the field of capital markets conduct joint research. 

Every two years, IQAM Research grants awards for excellent research work by students and graduates in the area of capital market research. In 2020, the first prize went to Ron Bekkerman, Eliezer M. Fich and Natalya Khimicha of Drexel University, Philadelphia. The researchers use machine text analysis for business analysis. In 2022, the Research Prize will be awarded for the fourth time.
IQAM Research allows us to examine and evaluate current academic developments and integrate them into our business practices. This benefits the further development of DekaBank as a financial service provider and its products. Employees who publish their academic papers through IQAM Research can make contact with renowned researchers. This allows an exchange of knowledge to occur, ensures that high quality research is performed at IQAM Research and helps create a positive perception of us as an employer and provider of products.

Read more on IQAM Research here.
© House of Finance

House of Finance at the Goethe University in Frankfurt

Deka at the Goethe University in Frankfurt

Support for education is fundamental for the future. That is why Deka has been supporting the Goethe University in Frankfurt since 1968:

Center for Financial Studies

Deka has supported the Center for Financial Studies (CfS) since 1998. The CfS is an independent research institute based in the House of Finance (HoF) at the Goethe University Frankfurt. Our support for the CfS is intended to strengthen the exchange between theory and practice.

Planspiel Börse: Securities trading made simple

Deka has been supporting the Planspiel Börse (Stock Market Learning Competition) of the Sparkassen since 2014. The game teaches schoolchildren, students and trainees what securities are all about – in an exciting and practical way. It deepens basic economic knowledge, imparts stock market know-how and strengthens the participants’ social skills. The game's special “sustainability” rating promotes future-oriented and responsible action. 

As the Wertpapierhaus (securities service provider) for the Savings Banks Finance Group, we want to promote the public acceptance of securities in German. Interest rates are still low, and this has a negative effect on the growth of savings accounts. A financial education is very important for understanding this and the alternatives that exist. DekaBank's support for the Planspiel Börse is intended to promote intensive learning of financial and capital market knowledge and is aimed at youth and young adults in particular.

You can find additional information on the Planspiel Börse here.
© Planspiel Börse, Foto: Stefan Maria Rother

Second place in the school competition for overall portfolio valuation in the Planspiel Börse with their advisers from the Sparkasse Bayreuth.

39th Round of the Planspiel Börse

In the 39th round, around 98,000 pupils, students, trainees and young adults took part in the Planspiel Börse. They mainly bet on the US giants Tesla, Amazon and Apple and also invested in pharmaceutical and aviation companies across all sectors. The teams completed a total of around 1.5 million virtual orders and enjoyed portfolio growth of up to 25 percent.

The anniversary round of the Planspiel Börse will start on October 4, 2022.
The prizes for the winners are provided by the Savings Bank Finance Group and DekaBank: The three best teams of pupils, students and trainees in the overall portfolio and sustainability ranking will be invited to the exclusive Planspiel Börse award ceremony at Deka on 19 May 2022 with a supporting programme lasting several days in Frankfurt am Main. The best school team in the overall portfolio ranking will also travel to the European award ceremony in Palermo, Italy. In addition, the schools of the six winning teams will receive a school prize - a day of action on financial education. The six student winners will receive a financial contribution to support their studies.
  • Planspiel Börse founded over
    years ago
  • Participants from around
  • More than
    participating teams
© Marco Lammert is a portfolio manager at Deka Investment.
Portrait of Marco Lammert

Marco Lammert works as a portfolio manager at Deka Investment.

From the Planspiel Börse to Deka

“The Planspiel Börse gave me my first contact with the stock market. I was immediately fascinated by the topic, so I wanted to take this path professionally as well. An apprenticeship at DekaBank ultimately led me to fund management. Every day you get to see what’s happening in the economy first hand – exciting and fascinating every day!”

Marco Lammert, a trained investment fund salesman, studied part-time at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. After time at CASS London Business School and Credit Suisse in London, he joined the Global Equities team in 2014 as a portfolio manager with responsibility for the Financials sector.