Our commitment to music

The Deka has sponsored the Bundesjugendorchester since 2018

Quiet slowly settles over the orchestra hall. Nearly one hundred young people are on stage with violins, trumpets and clarinets. A magnificent sight, normality at the National Youth Orchestra. It offers outstanding young people between the ages of 14 and 19 the unique opportunity to work with the best orchestra musicians, soloists and conductors in the world. Deka provides financial support for the Bundesjugendorchester (National Youth Orchestra) to pave the way for young talents to enter the world’s great stages.

© Mutesouvenir / Kai Bienert

A springboard for excellent young musicians: the partnership between Deka and the Bundesjugendorchester.

Deka and the German National Youth Orchestra

Deka has supported the Bundesjugendorchester since 2018 – musical education at the highest level. Young people whose families need financial support for travel also take part in the concert tour. In addition, the orchestra buys instruments to lend to young members. In 2021, the funding was extended for another three years.
This partnership complements the long-standing tradition of the German Savings Bank Finance Group (Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe): Since 1969, it has been committed to “Jugend musiziert”, the most important classical music competition for young people in Germany.
Dr. Georg Stocker, Chairman of the Board of Management

The musicians of the Bundesjugendorchester work on orchestral works and pieces of music with great professionalism, energy and dedication. What they have achieved is simply remarkable. I am delighted that we are supporting the National Youth Orchestra.

Meet the Bundesjugendorchester

The Bundesjugendorchester - a musical institution

The Bundesjugendorchester is the undisputed leader in supporting the development of musicians: In 1969, the German Music Council founded the Youth Orchestra of the Federal Republic of Germany. The young musicians aged between 14 and 19 inspire the audience with their talent, ability and passion for music.

Every year, pupils come together for periods of work lasting several weeks. The National Youth Orchestra then goes on a concert tour. There are also short-term special projects. The artistic direction is provided by well-known conductors.

The majority of the more than 2,500 alumni work today as orchestra musicians, lecturers or professors. The Berlin Philharmonic alone has 18 former members. Internationally famous soloists such as Sabine Meyer, clarinet and Tabea Zimmermann, viola gained their first experience in the National Youth Orchestra.
© Selina Pfruener

Full concentration on the music:
Members of the Bundesjugendorchester

Help for Ukraine

After the drastic experiences of the last two Corona years, the Federal Youth Orchestra focused its concert tours on the theme of friendship - friendship between Europeans, between musicians and between composers. 
A topic that suddenly became relevant again due to the war in Ukraine: The Federal Youth Orchestra initiated an aid and donation campaign for the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine. The financial resources are intended to support the musicians and their families and help keep the orchestra together. Because culture can help stabilize society and strengthen the community, Deka supported the Ukrainian sponsor orchestra with a donation.
In addition, benefit concerts in favor of the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine were held at Schloss Neuhardenberg as well as in Rendsburg, Berlin, Hanover and Cologne to support the valuable work of the Ukrainian youth orchestra.
© Bundesjugendorchester

The German National Youth Orchestra

The Bundesjugendorchester in the year 2023

Around the Easter holidays, things get lively in the famous spa town of Baden-Baden. In the middle of it all: the BJO and its sponsor orchestra, the Berlin Philharmonic. The joint concert will be conducted by the chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic, Kirill Petrenko.

Richard Strauss: Serenade in E flat major for 13 winds op. 7
Gideon Klein: Partita for string orchestra 18
Robert Schumann: Symphony No. 4

10 April, 11:00 a. m.: Baden-Baden – Bénazetsaal im Kurhaus

The loss of his hearing did not stop the passionate composer Ludwig van Beethoven from making music and composing. In the spring of 2023, the National Youth Orchestra of Germany will be working with pupils from the Bildungs- und Beratungszentrum für Hörgeschädigte Stegen (Education and Counselling Centre for the Hearing Impaired). One focus is on Beethoven's Third Symphony, which he composed at a time when his hearing loss was already well advanced. The componist Mark Barden has experimented together with the pupils from Stegen and with his composition "the weight of ash" he has created a work that literally presents the unheard-of. Light control in the hall and a travelling exhibition in the foyer expand the concert experience. Christoph Altstaedt is the musical director. A programm for hearing and people with impaired hearing.

Brett Dean: Testament. Music für Orchestra
Mark Barden: „the weight of ash“ – Commissioned composition by Deutscher Musikrat
Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony Nr. 3 op. 55 „Eroica“

12 April: Cologne – WDR (recording)
13 April: Cologne – WDR (recording)
14 April, 8:00 pm: Cologne – Philharmonie
15 April, 8:00 pm: Bielefeld – Rudolf-Oetker-Halle
17 April, 8:00 pm: Berlin – Philharmonie
18 April: Lübeck – Musik- und Kongresshalle
20 April: Freiburg – Musikhochschule

A role model for promoting young talent

The goal of the partnership is to support the BJO in its role as cultural ambassador for the Federal Republic of Germany. The BJO has already toured through Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa, often for events or projects of historical significance. We also support the youth orchestra work of the BJO. These outstanding young musicians work together to develop an understanding of works under the guidance of renowned conductors. This broadens their artistic and human experience and promotes learning of social skills and values.
Individual BJO appearances for Deka arouse interest and encourage exchange between employees of the company. In 2020, Johanna Spegg (trumpet), Casper Hesprich (violin) and Max Volbers (harpsichord) gave a small concert at Deka's digital Christmas party. They also talked about their time with the orchestra and the life of creative artists during the coronavirus crisis.
© Foto: Kaupo Kikkas

Scottish guitarist Sean Shibe is the recipient of the 2022 Leonard Bernstein Award sponsored by the Savings Banks Finance Group.

The Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival

Since 1986, the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival (SHMF) has been taking place every summer at various venues in Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and even in Denmark. With more than 200 concerts, the SHMF brings music directly to the local people:
Magnificent estates, thatched-roof barns, historic horse stables, glamorous mansions, picturesque churches, imposing shipyards and industrial plants are brought to life with music.

The SHMF is one of the largest classical music festivals in Europe. Its sponsorship is a joint effort by institutions of the German Savings Bank Finance Group , including Deka since 2020. Together, they demonstrate that the German Savings Bank Finance Group fulfills its public mission and is committed to the common good.
The Leonard Bernstein Award, which has been presented since 2002 and is sponsored by the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe, is an annual highlight for young, internationally acclaimed up-and-coming musicians. In 2022, it was awarded to the 29-year-old Scottish guitarist Sean Shibe, who combines musical genres and epochs in an unusual way, thus giving the classical guitar new popularity.
In 2022, around 165,000 tickets were sold for the 203 concerts and events: There were 123 venues in 65 locations in Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, southern Denmark and northern Lower Saxony. Next year, the festival summer will take place from July 1 to August 27. The complete program and more detailed information can be found on the here.

A future for the next generation of musicians

Culture is a pillar of society. The numerous cancellations of cultural events during the pandemic hit many young up-and-coming artists particularly hard: they were denied performance opportunities and thus further artistic prospects. Financial resources were lost and it became more difficult than ever to build a musical career.
However, especially those who are at the beginning of their musical career need more opportunities to make music in front of an audience. This secures livelihoods and sharpens musical development. Zukunft Klassik e.V., within the framework of the Rheingau Music Festival, is specifically committed to providing up-and-coming musical talents with regular performance opportunities once again. The association supports concert organizers from the field of classical music in the realization of such projects.
© Olaf Malzahn

Classical music needs a future: talented young artists, like here from the Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orchestra, keep it alive

The youth orchestras supported by Zukunft Klassik e.V. include the international orchestra of the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival and Sean Shibe, winner of this year's Leonard Bernstein Award. The Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival and the Award are sponsored by the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe and Deka. 
Deka supported Zukunft Klassik e.V. during the festival summer 2022. The association sponsored  concerts of youth orchestras as well as free ensembles during the Rheingau Musik Festival.